David Van Fleet on GateKeepers This Week!

Reverend David and Robin Van Fleet have taken their burden for the poor and needy to the streets of New York City, and to the nations. Street LIFE Ministries has served the Lord with a treasure chest of effective assistance for many hurting and struggling people.
Hear David share about Street LIFE ministries on this week’s GateKeepers. His amazing testimony will encourage you in your own walk with God!
* Sunday ~ 8:40AM EST
* Monday ~ 9:40PM
* Tuesday ~ 1:40PM
* Wednesday ~ 8:40AM
* Thursday ~ 9:40PM
* Saturday ~ 7:40AM
Mack Brock on GateKeepers This Week!

Mack Brock has been a worship leader for nearly half his life. Hear him share with George about his growing up years, musical influences, and his new vista in the Lord’s service on this week’s GateKeepers program, airing
- Sunday ~ 8:40AM EST
- Monday ~ 9:40PMÂ
- Tuesday ~ 1:40PM
- Wednesday ~ 8:40AM
- Thursday ~ 9:40PM
- Saturday ~ 7:40AM
Paul Wilbur on GateKeepers this Week!

Listen to Paul Wilbur talk with George about his conversion, early music ministry, upcoming album, Roar From Zion, and his concert at Beth Israel in NJ on this week’s GateKeepers program.
- Monday ~ 9:40PM
- Tuesday ~ 1:40PM
- Wednesday ~ 8:40AM
- Thursday ~ 9:40PM
- Saturday ~ 7:40AM
Mack Brock Invites YOU!

Take a look at this invitation from Mack Brock to join him at a special benefit concert for Miriam’s Heart. Caring for orphans isn’t just for married folk.
See how YOU can participate and bless the fatherless on April 6th.
Ticket information available on Miriam’s Heart website.
Ken Medema on GateKeepers this week!

For four decades, Ken Medema has invigorated people through storytelling and music. Though blind from birth, Ken sees and hears with heart and mind. His ability to capture spirit in word and song is unparalleled.
Be inspired by listening to this outstanding Christian recording artist, author and music therapist on our GateKeepers program this week:
▪ Sunday ~ 8:40AM EST
▪ Monday ~ 9:40PM
▪ Tuesday ~ 1:40PM
▪ Wednesday ~ 8:40AM
▪ Thursday ~ 9:40PM
▪ Saturday ~ 7:40AM
Love Never Fails International on GateKeepers

This week’s GateKeepers program features Dr. Johnathan Kraus, founder of Love Never Fails International.
LNFI’s Mission: Bringing Orphans and Children in the Slums to Safety into the Loving Arms of Caretakers who Educate, Love, and Raise Them as Future Leaders for Jesus.
Hear his story this week right here on our website, or on The GATE app for your mobile device…
* Sunday ~ 8:40AM (EST)
* Monday ~ 9:40PM
* Tuesday ~ 1:40PM
* Wednesday ~ 8:40AM
* Thursday ~ 9:40PM
* Saturday ~ 7:40AM
This week – Elizabeth Occhipinti of Miriam’s Heart on GateKeepers

Jim and Elizabeth Occhipinti developed Miriam’s Heart to build a particular kind of environment—a “culture of adoption” that celebrates and supports the full spectrum of adoption.
The ministry is named in recognition of Moses’ sister, Miriam, as described in the Bible, in Exodus Chapter 2. When it wasn’t possible for her family to stay together, MIriam facilitated the first recorded adoption in the Bible–she helped to find solutions for the child, the birth mother and the adoptive mother.
Our GateKeepers Program Airs (EST):
• Monday ~ 9:40PM
• Tuesday ~ 1:40PM
• Wednesday ~ 8:40AM
• Thursday ~ 9:40PM
• Saturday ~ 7:40AM
POSTPONED DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER! GatePraise this Saturday, March 2

Check back with us for the rescheduled date TBD!
Please join us
for our first ever GatePraise Songwriters Session,
streaming L I V E, and
featuring seasoned Worship Leaders / songwriters,
this Saturday, March 2,
10AM to 12PM.
Coming up Sunday – Jammin’ With God

Don’t miss Jammin’ With God this Sunday, as Pete Caputo dives into the Word of God and the truth about God’s love for us as we face evil and suffering.
Listen in on Sunday morning between 7:40 & 7:50AM
Our 3d Year Celebrated at The GATE!

It was a joyous day at the GATE, as we celebrated 3 years of God’s grace in growing our station. We were blessed with a steady stream of brothers and sisters in Christ, friends, and supporters who have prayed for and assisted the GATE in many ways these past 3 years.
Festivities included guest interviews, special Station ID’s, food, fun, giveaways, The State of the GATE address, and THREE cakes!
Featured musicians included Late Night Pizza, Glacia Robinson and IHOPEG’s Harp and Bowl Team.
To all our supporters: Thank YOU for helping people through the GATE!
Matt. 7:13-14 Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.